(Order: Neuroptera)
Green Lacewing (Chrysopa sp.) (beside the Stennes Stones, Orkney)
Green Lacewing (Chrysopa sp.) (possibly Chrysoperia carnea or similar) (Rouken Glen Park, South West Glasgow)
I'm not really sure whether this is the same species as the photos above or not. There do seem to be some differences: the lacewing in the top photos has greener wings and a broader abdomen. This lacewing's delicate wings are a beatiful pearly transparent white and it has a long, slim abdomen. I'm not sure whether it is possible to distinguish them from these photos alone. It is a relatively large insect with greeny, coppery irridescent eyes and its wings are held roof-like over its body at rest. However, whilst these lacewings look delicate and genteel, both larvae and adult lacewings polish off large quantities of aphids and other small insects. You know what they say, got to watch out for the good looking ones...
Lacewing (possibly Chrysopa perla or similar) (Darnley Country Park and Patterton, South West Glasgow)
This lacewing is similar to some other species of lacewings, but this is the most common lacewing with this distinctive black markings on its wings and black markings on the underside of its abdomen, its head and thorax. As you can see more clearly in the photo on the right, the wings have a bluish tinge. It is also a voracious aphid eater. Unfortunately I was unable to get a really sharp photo of this lacewing, but it was really beautiful with an unusual white fluttering fairy-like flight. My husband took the photo at the top using an additional macro lens. I find it difficult to use, but when it works, it makes all the difference in the world - it really brings out the detail, which I love.
Brown Lacewing (Hemerobius pacificus) (Kirkhill Primary School, South West Glasgow)
Brown Lacewing (Micromus variegatus) (Patterton, South West Glasgow)
Apologies for the quality of this photo, I wish I had my proper macro lens with me that day. This creature was tiny and just looked like a piece of dirt until I noticed it was crawling along the leaf. It was only on closer inspection that I could just make out a nasty pair of mandibles (jaws) poking out from the pile of 'dirt', which are not only excellent at killing and sucking the juices out of aphids and other small insects, but which are apparently also excellent at giving humans a good bite too. The lacewing larva is covered in detritus - bits of debris, vegetation and the skins of the insects it's sucked dry - nice. These are also known as Aphid Wolves due to their ferocious aphid killing abilities. It is only some species of lacewing larvae that display these camouflage techniques.
Alderfly (Sialis lutaria) (Achindrain, Argyll)
Alderflies are closely related to lacewings, but are no longer considered part of the same order. I actually thought it looked more like a caddisfly than a lacewing, but there you go. Alderfly wings are cloudy brown with dark veins which do not fork at the margins. There is a distinctive 'comb' effect at the base of the wings which I think makes this one of the easier insects to identify. There are only three similar species in Britain which requirie microscopic examination to tell them apart.
Scorpion Fly (males on the top, females in the middle, mating at the bottom)(probably Panorpa germanica) (Loch of Lowes, Dunkeld and Inverary Castle Grounds, Argyll)
Scorpion Fly (female) (possibly Panorpa communes) (Milkhall Pond, Midlothian)
It is not possible to distinguish a female Panorpa germanica from a female Panorpa communes without examination with a microscope, so I have no way of knowing which species this is. The only reason I am guessing at P. communes is that sometime this species can be more heavily spotted than P. germanica and this certainly seems to be more heavily marked than the scorpion flies above. But as I say, this is a pure and entirely unscientific guess.